Point of information, learned all about St. Patrick in my Early Christian Ireland class, so I won't share with you all the ways in which he is not what you thought. But, he did write, "Sufficient is the honor which is not yet seen, but in which the heart has confidence." Which is nice.

(drinkin' bulmers, bein' cute)
This picture reminds me of The Wicked Wolf, a pub near my dorm where many a Thursday was spent drinking pints and singing karaoke. This song will always remind me of Ireland for that reason. People chose to sing it constantly, with varying success.
(sun, cows, stones)
(mad cliffs)

What do these boys, this song, and I have in common? Let's just say that the answer involves australians, guinness factory tour guides, this song being belted by drunk australian guinness factory tour guides, a stolen parrot, a missing sweatshirt, a dublin ghetto, and the legendary text, "you probably shouldn't have given us the benefit of the doubt." Also this song is played at the end of the night in practically every club in Dublin.
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