Directions for a nice saturday afternoon:
1. Watch blue snow out the window.
2. Sip thermos of hot coffee.
3. Now, unpeel orange.
4. Listen.
5. Mix well, serves one. Sprinkle with new books, friend's swim meets, and sourpatch kids to taste. Garnish with cute belts and beaded earrings as desired.
A foray into food experimentation, since I am so done with dining hall food. My first new concoction: raspberries and crumbled oreos in plain yogurt.

In a similar vein, coffee infusions. I tried cinnamon and honey (incredible) and soft-serve coffee today. (add chocolate and vanilla ice cream to black coffee).

And, a new musical obsession, Ms. Elle King. Free streaming, ch-ch-check it out!
I had never really listened to this Dylan song before. It's incredible. Some sample lyrics:
"Your gravity is down and negativity won't get you through...they got some hungry women there, and they really make a mess out of you.
So choice. So effecting. The whole song is just as awesome, lyrically. Enjoy this spectacular 1966 live version:
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
And for an Eat The Document (Dylan's documentary film foray) trippy, sort of awful, fascinating take on it, with other clips. He says, "I can't believe that everybody makes it so difficult." Preach, Bob.
"Your gravity is down and negativity won't get you through...they got some hungry women there, and they really make a mess out of you.
So choice. So effecting. The whole song is just as awesome, lyrically. Enjoy this spectacular 1966 live version:
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
And for an Eat The Document (Dylan's documentary film foray) trippy, sort of awful, fascinating take on it, with other clips. He says, "I can't believe that everybody makes it so difficult." Preach, Bob.
My obsession with slightly cheesy and always awesome country music continues.
First, a classic, performed by the greats. Just try not to hum along, I dare you. A favorite shower song of mine, if that helps.
And, let's hear it for the ladies:
Then, let's hear it for them in an entirely different way:
And finally, Mr. Waylon Jennings, who made the cogent and dirty observation: "Garth Brooks done for country music what pantyhose did for finger-fucking." Wise words from the heart of country.
First, a classic, performed by the greats. Just try not to hum along, I dare you. A favorite shower song of mine, if that helps.
And, let's hear it for the ladies:
Then, let's hear it for them in an entirely different way:
And finally, Mr. Waylon Jennings, who made the cogent and dirty observation: "Garth Brooks done for country music what pantyhose did for finger-fucking." Wise words from the heart of country.
Friday is for eating candy and playing this game. Look at me thinkin'.

Ah. Sweets, procrastination, and words. Three favorite things.
The Top Ten Reasons New School Years Rock*
1. Well, there's the learnin'. And new pens and pencils. And cracking the binding of a new book.
2. A clean notebook with nothing written in it yet.
3. Playing hooky. (here's to having no interests. except to get my hands on that flipping sweet white jacket.)

4. The smell of library books.

6. First day of school outfit.
7. Making perfect eye contact with a kindred spirit when people say silly things in class.
8. The instant do-over for new year's resolutions.
9. When professors say funny things. (more on this later).
10. Stockholm Syndrome and the friends that make it all ok:
*even when it's not fall.
Last night I was feeling unproductive and needed a break from my work. I didn't want to get sucked into watching tv. So I promptly got up, did ten push-ups, and limbered up my vocal cords. Let me explain: Lately I have been obsessed with fantasizing about doing karaoke, though I have neither the chops nor the balls for such an activity, and being on the wagon, nor the alcohol. Then I remembered Garageband. Hijinks ensued in which I downloaded some 99 cent karaoke songs online and then recorded my attempts at singing them. It's especially hilarious since I have a cold, so I have that sexy rough throat thing going on. (And by sexy I mean funny). I primarily experimented with this harder-than-it-sounds classic:
Bonnie Raitt - Something To Talk About
One thing led to another, as performing for your mac tends to do, and, inspired by the indomitable Bonnie and her red lipstick, I busted my procrastination blues further by gussying myself up and opening photobooth.

Well kids, there you have it. Fun was had by all. Try it sometime. (note, I was wearing clothes despite the bare shoulders. sorry to offend anyone's delicate sensibilities.)
If low-tech or no-tech is more your style, I am always reminded of this rather fabulous poem when I am feeling down n' out or just bored:
The Cure
Ginger Andrews
Lying around all day
with some strange new deep blue
weekend funk, I'm not really asleep
when my sister calls
to say she's just hung up
from talking with Aunt Bertha
who is 89 and ill but managing
to take care of Uncle Frank
who is completely bed ridden.
Aunt Bert says
it's snowing there in Arkansas,
on Catfish Lane, and she hasn't been
able to walk out to the mailbox.
She's been suffering from a bad case of the mulleygrubs.
The cure for the mulleygrubs,
she tells my sister,
is to get up and bake a cake.
If that doesn't work, put on a red dress.
*apologies to those without picture or music recording macs or pcs.
And now...back to your scheduled programming! I'll try not to ever leave you in the lurch like that again, loyal comrades in my quest for existential equilibrium, jokes, and snacks. What follows are some tokens of my affection, coming attractions, and my usual sterling wisdom:

New school supplies are as good as an hour at the shrink. (look at my crafty thermos!)

Nice new words are also useful:
Once you get over the fear, it's a cinch, she said. And then she leapt into a mountainous and unexplored region of her heart. -Monique Duval
And finally, an apology straight from the vault (cause everybody needs a little time away):
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