A few funny, surprisingly smart words from the dirty, dirty underside of popular music.
"All that ever holds somebody back is fear, I think. For a minute, I had fear. So I went into the room and shot my fear in the face--then I came out and did the rest of the show." -Lady Gaga
"I'm a musician first, a food-lover second, a dirty mouth with feet, and a girl last time I checked."-Tori Amos
"We should all believe in something, and I believe it's time for another shot of tequila." — Justin Timberlake
A little good old-fashioned family promotion. My brother-in-law Curt is working on this awesome project this summer:
His lovely wife, my sister Caitlin, just launched her documentary website Film Sprout, which sister Erin did the illustrations for! I am working for both Cait and Curt this summer (also being their third wheel roomie.) And my twin sister is working on a farm this summer! Serendipity extends her minxy little paw and shakes it with wily nepotism once again!
Here's hoping I can start a new, absolutely adorbs (you see what I did there, with the cuteness?) tradition of posting only impossibly cute things one day a week; I am obviously a complete sucker for anything catchy or precious, but this way, not only do I get to take advantage of alliteration (I kill myself) I also get to retain, on other days, the cynical, irony-loving, bitter kid that just doesn't give a damn about the sweet, the harmonizing, or anything that inspires hugging. Speaking of which, have you read this shit? Is this town going to outlaw flower-picking and puppy-cuddling next?
A little sample: This song is so cute I'm getting a toothache. The video even makes blood and ghosts and decapitation seem charming.
That's Zooey Deschanel, the reigning princess of being adorable, and her special friend M.Ward, collaborating for the band She and Him. So cute you kind of want to die, right?
And this:
Dawwww. Back to things not approaching duckies and swingsets and cotton candy cute tomorrow.
As a feminist and lover of good music, this song should offend and appall me on so many levels. But it's just so damn catchy and the video is so cheeky. "You tell your boyfriend, if he says he's got beef/That I'm a vegetarian and I ain't fucking scared of him." My name is Devan, and this is my summer anthem. If it's wrong, why does it feel so right?
Not only are donuts mad delicious, Dunkin Donuts also has my favorite ad slogan of all time. "You 'kin do it." Damn, I love that.
Scope this to get a fresh batch of tasty donut trivia, and find out where you can score a FREE donut on this most holy of food-related, arbitrarily-decided, for-advertsing-only, but nevertheless freaking awesome holidays.
The Top Ten Best Things About my First Week in NYC:
1. Men in suits. Everywhere.
2. Not ever worrying about smiling enough at strangers.
3. Watching no one react to a group of children barking, literally barking, in unison, at intervals of ten seconds.
4. 85 cent coffee. So many choices of coffee. Coffeeee.
5. Feeling the first angry thrill of the natives as a tourist clings to an entire subway pole on an insanely crowded rush hour train with her whole body.
6. Cowboy boots and sundresses to work. Along with an appropriate sweater, mom.
7. Pouting and wearing huge sunglasses so people think I'm famous.
8. Figuring out which side of the tracks takes me uptown or downtown. And what those two things are. And humming the Indiana Jones theme song to myself as I emerge triumphant from beneath the streets.
9. Witnessing the intricate mating rituals of the Brooklyn hipster.
10. Let's Get It On and Stop in the Name of Love playing back to back in the coffee shop where I sit and daydream before work.
More regular posts to come as soon as I settle into my summer euphoria. Speaking of which: