Top Ten Reasons This Blog May Interest You.
If you:
1. Have spent any amount of time, in the past or present, producing skits or musical numbers with your siblings to be presented at family gatherings.
2. Have lost sleep pondering such questions as, why does Springsteen insist he is saying lit up like a deuce when he is clearly saying douche?
3. Don't understand daylight's saving time, combustion engines, or the federal tax system.
4. Have experienced existential despair.
5. Agree that ez-pass and iced coffee are the greatest inventions of the 21st century.
6. Hold an intense, embittered hatred for organized sports.
7. Have a finely developed sense of irony and a disdain for hokey sayings.
8. Find the fact that the gynecologist at my all-women's college is named Sally Heiman to be the pinnacle of what real life can offer as comedy.
9. Are nostalgic for a decade you didn’t live through.
10. Are my close friend or relative or otherwise obligated to tolerate me.